Emma Kunz Exhibition Serpentine Gallery London
We met under the lush foliage of a multitude of trees in Kensington Park, on a quiet Sunday morning. Stillness and Quiet had their abode in the early hours before Activity took hold in the midst of London.
The outer environment reflected the peaceful atmosphere of the inner space that was home to Emma Kunz’s unusual geometric forms for this short time.
Emma Kunz was not known as an artist, but a healer, with an ability to read and align energy fields. The work has its own beauty and a strong invitation to centre, to rise, to meet the world with balance, connection and higher qualities.
A union of Remarkable adventurers spent time exploring the effects of the different works and answering the invitation to be more sensitive and subtle in our presence and engagement.
Each person found their own resonance with individual pieces, although there was a shared experience of the works supporting the inner meditative practise.
We moved through the gallery in a pleasant quiet; a meditative experience, followed by sharing and enjoyable connection in the remarkable garden-like serpentine restaurant, accompanied by a jazz trio made just for a Sunday morning. A treat from beginning to completion of our outing.
Visit Emma Kunz’s work on permanent display in Wurenlos Switzerland, or share it with us at our next retreat.